About Julie

Are you tired of feeling exhausted? Are you overwhelmed by the countless demands and decisions? Do you wish you had a clear sense of leadership calling to drive your day-to-day?

I get it, because I’ve been there.

I have one big dream: to coach leaders to greater health, clarity, and confidence.

When leaders are healthy, clear on their purpose, and confident in their skills, they lead thriving teams who change the world.

I do this by developing leaders through one-on-one coaching, consulting with teams, and communicating with groups.

After receiving my communications degree from Texas A&M University, I led communications and marketing efforts for Insight for Living, Prestonwood Baptist Church, and Nokia Mobile Phones. For almost a decade, I served pastors and teams at Irving Bible Church (IBC) as Directional Leader to Women, leader of the Communications team, and as an Executive Team member.

After leading at IBC, I started my own business coaching leaders and their teams. I enjoyed speaking at conferences and workshops and leading team building initiatives. Later on, I was invited to serve as Director of Leadership Development for Valley Creek Church where I led, taught, and launched their Follow leadership conference, staff leadership development efforts, LeaderStep leadership classes, and Valley Creek Leadership Academy (a nine month gap year program for young adults).  

Now I have the privilege of serving leaders as an Executive Coach for the 4Sight Group. After all this leadership fun, two of my favorite roles continue to be wife and mom. I have been married to my college sweetheart, Brian, for over 25 years. We have two sons and several dogs who keep me on my toes.